Vocational education in Plus two level was started in the state during the Academic Year 1983-84. At present Vocational Higher Secondary Course is being offered in 389 schools spread across seven Regions in the State with the Directorate of Vocational Education located in Thiruvananthapuram. There are 42 different courses in nine distinct stream, viz Engineering & Technology Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Para Medical Courses Physical Education, Home Science, Humanities and commerce. These Vocational subjects are covered in Part II and Part I includes of English and General Foundation Course. The students of VHSE can also opt for Part III which is purely optional and not a necessity to he eligible for VHS trade certificate. But almost all the students opt for part III which is being offered in four different groups as detailed below.

Group A - Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
Group B - Biology, Physics, Chemistry
Group C - History, Geography, Economics
Group D - Business studies, Accountancy and Management.

Reasons for requirement of on site support in VHSE
1. In general the students join for VHSE course are of compromised academic brilliance. This with curriculum load add to their woes. Hence this system of education require special care and attention. In order to achieve this objective regular monitoring mechanism of teaching activities is a must.
2. There are 261 schools in Government sector and 128 schools in aided sector.. The special rules for recruitment of staff in the Department was promulgated only in 2004. Hence only after 2004, it was possible for the Department to initiate activities for the recruitment of staff in the Government schools. Appointments in various teaching and non teaching posts has started only during the academic year 2007-2008. Even though young energetic and fresh hands has joined the department, there are hardly any experienced hands to lead and expose them in the indicates of teaching learning process in the schools where they join. This also call for a definite and solid support system for these newly recruited teachers.
3. Sense of Achievement is a key factor for the positive development of any profession, and achievements are always relative. Thus a proper opportunity shall be given to the teachers to compare and evaluate themselves with other teachers/ their previous level of achievements in teaching skills which could be consolidated by the appreciation of experts in the field. Hence a viable and satisfactory self evaluation strategy is to be developed with the help of experts in site.

Nuts and Bolts of support system

The above mentioned reasons made the Department to think about an outside support system for the support of Vocational Education in schools. Thus the Department proposes for an “In site Monitoring, support and Self Evaluation (IMSS) help and self Evaluation system to be installed to achieve the objectives of VHSE System for the hemifit of all the stake holders of Vocational Education in Kerala.

The IMSS shall the comprised of eminent teachers of subjects who has proved their competency in the concerned field, (since almost all teachers in the Department are young and the most experienced is 10-15 years we will have to look for retired/ teachers from other sections) experienced and competent tradesmen representations from Industry/Service section. (Public /Private). The tradesmen and representation form Industry/ Service sector can be helpful in the development of skill competency in students and to suggest various different and improved approaches that can be adopted to attain skills in latest technology, so also suggest modifications in Laboratory environment.

The installation of IMSS in the Department will not only improve the quality and self confidence of the teachers, but also improve the infrastructure and modify the approaches for skill development in students. The system will, also improve linkages with the industry/ service sector which in turn will improve the prospects for employment to VHS Trade certificate holders, and the Department in achieving its vision and Mission.

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